It's almost been a year now. It will be the 1st aniversery of when I tore part of the ligament in my ankle in July. I used to tumble and I was really good. Many times I have been hurt while tumbling but it has never made me want to stop. Last year when the accident happened I thought that I had just landed wrong on my ankle and it would be okay soon. Oh boy wasn't I wrong. A couple of days later I had a tennis lesson and I had to stop the lesson short because my ankle started to throb and hurt really bad. My thinking was that it was still sore I just needed to rest some. So I skipped tennis and tumbling for a couple of weeks. It was a little better when I started back up. The pain never went fully away but stupid me thought it was just because I was always on it.
About six months ago the pain became unbearable and one day I couldn't walk on it and had to stay home from school. Concluding this I was forced to go to the doctor. Dr. Kooper took x-rays and gave me the bad news. He told me that part of the ligament in my left ankle was torn. But then he told me the even worse news. He told that I would have to give up tumbling or tennis and which ever one I didn't give up I had to take a break from. I couldn't give up tennis because I was on the school team. It was hard to just quit tumbling like that though. Not to sound dramatic but it was heart breaking in a way. But things just kept getting worse and worse. I had just given up tumbling and now had to take a two month break from tennis. And then i was given this huge ankle brace I had to wear every day plus I had to do physical therapy which I dreaded very much. Once I started tennis again I was given an elastic brace that I have to wear in all physical activities and I have to wear most days. My ankle is better now but Still hurts some days. The tear wasn't big enough for surgery so my ankle will never heal completly most likely. I am reminded everyday of the accident and still miss tumbling. Happy almost aniversery to me.
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