My friends mean more to me than a lot of things and I'm very picky about who I am friends with. In all of my close friendships we are able to tell each other things and not nessicarily have to say "don't tell". We make fun of each other and do the stupidest things that make us crack up. we all have inside jokes and half the time people have no idea what we're talking about. We don't get embarrassed around each other and it's cool that way. With each friend I have a special connection that I don't have with anyone else. This makes each of them very different to me.
Kaitlyn is definately my best friend who I can say anything to without being judged. We say that we are vent buddies because when we're angry about something and need to blow off steam we call each other. Also, she's the only friend I have who knows everything about me. Lauren and me have a connection with music and making fun of each other. We call each other Chipmunk(me) and Bird(her). Alicia and I have known each other since w
e were two I believe. We have been friends forever and reminisce over our countless memories all the time. I have special bonds like these with many of my other friends as well. I appreciate my friendships and don't know what I would do without them.

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