Monday, May 18, 2009
The Hero and Me
My name is Taylor Tramel. I'm not normal so to speak. In life I would typically be your hero as a lover and your unbalanced hero. I try to do what makes me happy in life. The love that i have for the things I do drives me and makes me want to just continue and achieve. Without a passion or a love for something, I don't feel as much need for doing something. When I love something like tennis for example I do whatever I can to get better and I spend as much time possible playing. Love for something motivating you is what makes you get out and go for it over and over. The passion will keep your love constant and you don"t want to stop. I have a love for many things and those many loves drive towards many things i do.
As I said I'm not normal. As well as being a hero as a lover I am an unbalanced hero too. I have lots of things that people don't know about me. Only a few people really know the real me and truly understand me. I am not truly mental (yet I've been called it) but I just have a different mind thinking than others.
I'm an involved person and have a love for: tennis, theatre, photography, film, animal rights and family. A lot of times I just stay quiet but when I think needed, I say what I think is right. I'm quirky and it's hard for people to understand me. I put my heart into things when it matters the most. I've never thought of myself as a hero but according to our blog assignment I am some type of hero(thank you Mrs. Vaughn). I enjoy a fun time and wish I lived in a different time period.
Where Am I Going?
In the scheme of things I don't have most of the stuff i need figured out. You always here in high school "what are you gonna do in life?", "you need to have a plan for the future", "have you figured out what you want to do with your life yet?". Truth is I have absolutley no idea what i want to do in life. I plan to live for a while so I want to do something that i know I'll be okay doing for the rest of my life....or at least til I retire. I'm into a lot of things that I believe I want to do until I can't.
I have a passion for the arts. Theatre, photography, and painting. I also have a passion for tennis. I wish I could have a career in all of them when I get older. Right now, I can picture myself changing my major in college several different times because I can't decide which art I want to persue as a career. Tennis can be something I play as a hobby. My great aunt still plays and she's 62 now. Since the issue of tennis is fixed, I just need to figure out what I will persue as a life choice for a career.
Right now I don't know what I want to do and I have a feeling I won't for a very long time. Life is extremely stressful and sometimes I wish I could just fly above the clouds like a balloon. Sometimes it feels like I'm a red ballon tied to an anchor (Sandra Cisneros).
My Guidance
Helping Me Through the Threshold
My Shadow
Letting Comedy Balance It Out
Life can't always be serious. It's just not healthy. You have to have fun and let loose sometimes. When my life gets too serious for too long (a day or two) I seek something to make my life not so serious. Hanging out with friends is always good. But when you can put on really excellent dancing music (80's has a good selection) and just dance with no one watching is even better. You can be crazy and do whatever without worrying about an audience. Being funky and rediculous could reselt in some new slick dance moves...bonus! Watching a good comedy movie can also help with relieving too much seriousness. If you're serious all the time you are destined to be cranky and a prude when you get old. No one wants that. So when you are handed serious lemons, go out and trade them for humorous lemons! It's all about finding a balance for yourself.